For over 64 years, the Middletown Odessa Townsend Rotary Club has held an Annual Auction in Middletown. This major annual event is the driving force that empowers Rotary to fund projects that benefit the MOT area. Proceeds from the auction help fund scholarships, tuition for disabled children to attend Camp Fairlee Manor (Easter Seals), Habitat for Humanity, the Middletown & Appoquinink High School INTERACT Clubs, the Jean Birch MOT Senior Center; in addition to many other worthwhile causes.
MARK your calendar for 10/4 at 6:59 pm at the Middletown Firehall for our auction this year! We raised over $12,000 last year for MOT area needs. Helping Rotary is like helping your neighbors. We hope to see you there & Thank You in advance for making a difference in your community!