MACC 9th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing
Celebrate the summer golf season with a great cause at the MACC's 9th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing! The MACC Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 Foundation that supports educational opportunities and scholarships.
When: Thursday, July 17
Location: Odessa National Golf Club
1131 Fieldsboro Drive
Townsend, DE 19730
Time: 11:00 am - Registration & Lunch
noon - Shot Gun Start
5:00 pm - Networking Social, Awards & Dinner
Entry Fee:
(includes greens fees, cart, lunch, dinner, beverages, networking social & prizes)
$500 per foursome
$150 per golfer
Superticket: $35
(golf spa getaway drawing, hole in one contests, putting contest, $50,000 shoot out, mulligans & more!)
Sponsorships are a great way to promote your business!
Available Golf Outing Sponsorships
Title Sponsor $2,500 - SOLD
Golf Ball Sponsor $1,000 - SOLD
SuperTicket Sponsor $1,000
Golf Cart Sponsor $750
19th Hole Sponsor $500
Cart Beverage Sponsor $500
Speciality Hole Sponsor $500
Lunch Sponsor $350
Flag Sponsor $250
Hole Sponsor $100
A portion of the proceeds benefits the MACC scholarship foundation.
Title Sponsor:
Golf Ball Sponsor:
19th Hole Sponsor:
Media Sponsor: