Thursday January 21, 2016
Please RSVP today (for a seat and free childcare)
Please join us for an informative evening of discussion with a skilled panel of professionals regarding the formative early childhood years. Social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development as well as early learning skills are all needs to consider in preparing your child for future success in school and life. This event is designed especially for parents of preschool, pre-K, kindergarten and first grade age children.
Facilitated by Lower School Head Valerie White.
Dr. Priyanka Dixit-Patel, MD
Louise Howlett, M.Div., MFT
Lisa Bloomfield, M.Ed., Learning Facilitator, St. Anne's Episcopal School
Sue DeCaro, PCI Certified Parent Coach® & Educator
Erin Taylor, PCI Certified Parent Coach® & Educator
Open to the public. Parents, friends and family welcome!
*RSVP and request Free Childcare (advance notice required)*
School Tours from 7:15-8:00pm