MOT Senior Center

  • Non-Profit
300 S. Scott Street
Middletown, DE 19709
(302) 378-4758
(302) 376-7947 (fax)
8:30 - 4:00 Monday through Friday

About Us

Founded in 1967 the M.O.T. Jean Birch Senior Center dedicates itself to the lower New Castle County population of persons over the age of 50. We provide education on health issues; programs for large read more
  • About

    Founded in 1967 the M.O.T. Jean Birch Senior Center dedicates itself to the lower New Castle County population of persons over the age of 50. We provide education on health issues; programs for large and small motor skill enhancement, cognitive stimulation to help thwart the effects of memory loss that comes with age; nutrition; trips; socialization opportunities; exercise classes; volunteer opportunities, and much more. Stop in and visit, or call and we will send you a news letter. Our goal is to keep people active, healthy, independent and in the community for as long as safely possible.

  • Highlights

    • trips
    • socialization
    • exercise
    • nutrition
    • health education
  • Media

  • Directions

    from Rt 299 heading west go through town and turn left onto South Scott St. follow back to the center from 301 south go Right onto main street over RR tracks, then left onto South Scott St