The Cecil County Chamber is a membership–based, nonprofit, business advocacy organization.
It’s a coalition of area businesses, industries, organizations and professionals who pool their
talents and resources to improve the economic, civic and cultural climate of our community. The
Cecil Chamber is committed to serving the needs of our 400 members and the 12,000-plus
individuals they employ.
The Cecil Chamber is “the voice of business” for Cecil County and the surrounding area. We serve
as an advocate for our members in regulatory and legislative matters at the State and local
levels. We’re dedicated to improving our economic environment and the quality of life for our
citizens. The Chamber is a service organization for business, providing a venue through which
business professionals can take effective action for the progress and growth of our community.
We are an active partner with other groups and organizations in striving to make Cecil County
the region’s most desirable place to live, work and play. We are also a resource for visitors and
new residents.
The Cecil Chamber office is located in the Elktown Centre building at 106 E. Main Street, Suite 101A, Elkton, MD.