Our Daily Bread Dining Room of MOT, Inc.

  • Non-Profit
214 North Broad Street
Middletown, DE 19709
(302) 285-9540
Lunch provided Mon.-Fri. from Noon to 1:00 PM. Dinner is served on Tue. & Thur from 5:30 to 6:30 PM

About Us

Our Daily Bread Vision - Our desire is to create a flourishing positive eating experience for every individual by serving nutritional meals in a safe environment.

Our Daily Bread Mission -Feed read more
  • About

    Our Daily Bread Vision - Our desire is to create a flourishing positive eating experience for every individual by serving nutritional meals in a safe environment.

    Our Daily Bread Mission -Feed low-income families, individuals, children and the elderly of Middletown, Odessa and Townsend communities with nutritious meals in a safe environment.

    Join Us!
    Would your group consider preparing and serving a meal?

    Church Outreach Groups, Civic Groups,
    Restaurants, Businesses,
    Social Action Groups,

    Please consider signing up to provide and serve meals monthly or more frequently.

  • Media

  • Hot Deals

    Free Meals for anyone in need
    Print Coupon
  • Directions

    You can find us behind the Middletown Historic Society Building and next to Daniels and Hutchinson Funeral Home at 214 North Broad Street